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Gain comprehensive insights into your app's user journey from initial engagement to conversion with our multi-step funnel analysis. By leveraging data from each stage of the marketing funnel, you can identify potential bottlenecks, optimize your app’s performance, and enhance conversion rates.

Analytics funnels


Please note that the Funnels feature is available exclusively with a Business subscription.

Setting up a new Funnel

Implementing Custom Events

Before creating a funnel, ensure that all key events within your app are tracked using our Custom Events Analytics feature. These tracked events will serve as the steps in your funnel. It is important to note that filtering by custom properties is not yet supported.

Once you have implemented the necessary custom events in your app, trigger each event at least once to ensure Wiredash recognizes them. These events will then appear in the Custom Events panel within Wiredash Analytics.

Creating Your Funnel

To create a new funnel, navigate to the Analytics page and click on 'Manage Funnels.' In the slide-over panel, select 'Create New Funnel.'

You will be prompted to provide a title and, optionally, a description for your funnel. Under the 'Steps' section, select at least two events that will represent the stages of your funnel. Each funnel can consist of up to ten steps. When you select an event, the corresponding step name will automatically be populated with the event’s name, though you can modify this as needed.


To add additional steps, click the 'Add step' button. Ensure all steps are completed before saving your funnel. Once you're satisfied with the configuration, click 'Save.'

Evaluating Your Funnel

After creating your funnel, you can select it from the dropdown menu in the 'Funnels' panel on the Analytics overview page. The funnel will be evaluated based on the currently applied filters. Please note that any filter adjustments—such as setting a specific time window, country, or platform—will trigger a reevaluation of the funnel. This functionality allows for a high degree of flexibility when analyzing your funnel for targeted segments or specific timeframes.

Editing a Funnel

To edit an existing funnel, go to 'Manage Funnels,' then select 'Edit Funnel' from the overflow menu corresponding to the funnel you wish to modify.

Deleting a Funnel

If you need to delete a funnel, navigate to 'Manage Funnels' and select 'Delete Funnel' from the overflow menu of the relevant funnel.

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