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3-Minute Quickstart

This quick three-minute tutorial gets the Wiredash SDK working in your app.

1. Create an account

Start by visiting the Wiredash Console: Create your free account using Google, GitHub, or request an email sign-in link.

2. Create a project

Now, let's set up your project! Click "Create new project" and give it a descriptive name that reflects your app. A Wiredash project is a container for all your different platform targets / apps (e.g. Android, iOS, Windows, macOS and Web). Those apps share features like analytics, feedbacks and surveys so can evaluate the data in a single place.

Create Project

3. Add wiredash to your pubspec.yaml

Add Wiredash using flutter pub add wiredash to automatically pull the newest version from Pub. Note: Please do not specify a version unless you know what you're doing. We always update Wiredash to be compatible with the newest Flutter features..

flutter pub add wiredash
    sdk: flutter
  wiredash: ^2.0.0


Flutter Beta Notice: We also offer beta releases that take advantage of the latest Flutter features. This might be useful if you're developing on the beta channel.

4. Activate Wiredash

Find your main.dart file – the heart of your app's initialization. Wrap the root widget of your existing app with Wiredash and make sure to fill in the projectId and SDK secret from the Wiredash Console. You find them under Your project > Settings > General Settings.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:wiredash/wiredash.dart';

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Wiredash(
      projectId: 'YOUR-PROJECT-ID',
      secret: 'YOUR-SECRET',
      child: MaterialApp(
        // Your Flutter app is basically Wiredash's direct child.
        // This can be a MaterialApp, WidgetsApp or whatever widget you like.

5. (Optional) Launch the feedback flow

Wiredash now already starts collecting private analytics and you should see the data pop up right in the Wiredash Console 🎉


Make sure to read about all available Wiredash features because we're adding new ones on a regular basis. Here we'll only show you how you can trigger the in-app feedback flow.

To open the interactive feedback mode, simply call the method from anywhere in your app:

onTap: () {
  Wiredash.of(context).show(inheritMaterialTheme: true);

Mission Accomplished!

Your users now have a voice within your app, and Wiredash is ready to handle feedback collection across all your platforms.

Wiredash demo

Customization & More

The Wiredash SDK is completely customizable and offers many configuration options (e.g. custom feedback categories a.k.a labels, optional email step, custom metadata, custom theming, custom localization and much, much more!) 🤯

Also, check out the example code.

Next steps

When you've successfully integrated Wiredash in your app and received your first feedback, it's time to check out the advanced features Wiredash has to offer.

  • Add labels to categorize your feedback -> Labels
  • Theme Wiredash to match your design -> Theming
  • Add metadata to your feedback -> Custom metadata

Fighting for the User since 2020 ⚔