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Is Wiredash GDPR compliant? ​

What is GDPR? ​

The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation that aims at unifying EU member state data privacy regulations into a single regulation, enforced on the EU single market.


We're proud to announce that Wiredash is fully GDPR compliant 🎉

What do I have to do as a Wiredash user? ​

If your company needs to ensure it is GDPR-compliant, it also needs to ensure its providers (ie. Wiredash) are also GDPR compliant. Wiredash is GDPR-compliant and strictly enforces the regulations to protect the user data we store. The list of our providers (ie. Data Processors) is available and kept up to date in our Data Processing Agreement.

Data Processing Agreement (DPA) ​

You can find our most recent DPA here. If you need a signed copy please send us a email to and we’ll get back to you asap.

Download our Data Processing Agreement

Contact Us ​

If you have any questions about GDPR, please contact us at

Fighting for the User since 2020 âš”